Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Web Design

Onsie pajamas!
Great Website to visit click here to check it out yourself!

It has amazing and vibrant colors. The site is straight forward and they have great quality pictures. Fun little animations. If you need onsie pajamas this is a great place to find some.

(this page is an assignment for web design class)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Trip is almost over ;(

So next week is my last full week of school :(
But my weekends are all booked up so maybe it wont be so bad...
Tommorrow I might go swimming with my host brother, then take the train to the city and go take purikure (picture booth pics) OH THEN TO A CONCERT!
I cant wait its with my host sis and keiko chan! Maybe my the band i like from my school will be there. If so Kago-i:D
Then sunday Im going to Morioka with my host fam and were going shopping! Its a real city there with mall! YAY
Then hopefully during the weekday I can go eat ramen with some 3rd years (seniors) cause i cant go this weekend cause this last weekend is to spend with my host fam.
Saturday Im suppose to go to a festival again then BBQ
Sunday is Fireworks at night. I want to wear a kimono!
Monday is YFU last orientation
Then my last days of school
then i leave for tokyo
Then fly back HOME!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Room Tour and Adventure!

Oh here`s a picture of my class 1B

If its too big you can just click on it for all you noobs

Room Tour!!!

And me getting lost lol

Sunday, July 4, 2010

School Festival

Photos later im too lazy and soooo tired.
So this week i had a 5 day school week. I had to go to school saturday and sunday... but it was okay because we were just preparing our school festival. I had hella fun preparing I got to talk to all these other kids i haven`t before. I finally went to a senior class on wednesday and their hella funny. I guess I would be a senior in Japan cause their school year starts in April and their summer vacation starts july 25? and engs august which sucks.
Anywho back on topic, today was my school festival and we all got dressed and I was the cowgirl I guess cause im american and we changed from a dance to a skit cause were lazy and a skit would be easier. We did terrible haha but it was fun. Then i went to listen to my host sis`s singing contest they messed up her song and played something else so she had to wing it, i feel bad for her. I was really amazed at some of the people who sang I didn`t realize they could sing like that! Then I went to an english speech competition and i had to be the judge along with a Teach from New Zealand and Jamie from Austrailia, he`s such an American hater he disses on american everyyydayyy. He`s just jealous haha. I wasn`t able to eat today but its cool because after that i went to the gym and bands were playing. Bands as in kids from my school! And even teachers were rocking ot one of my senseis were on the drums and the other singing!!! They were hella rocking out sensei`s in Japan have lives haha cool ones. Then the students started to play and it was sooooo tight. They were all really good. I have to admit all the guys who played guitar were pretty hot. I got a picture with one of the seniors who sang for my favorite band that played. I knew two of the seniors playing the guitar and i was pretty amazed!! Pictures later i took pics of them playing. My schools stage was tight too it was all dark and spot lights were shinning on them!! Then i forgot what happened the rest of the day but I had fun :) I just remembered saying a lot of hello`s and good byes ><
It was sooooooo hot today. I was so sweaty!
My host sis was down today cause of her singing comp i feel bad cause i didn`t realize she was so down about it until we got home...

Listening to MBLAQ- Y right now haha and i like tae yangs new song as well as Super juniors xD
Keeping up with my Kpop
So my fav japanese band is not that popular
One Ok Rock but its cool oh listen to living dolls its my favorite song! But UVERworld is kinda popular.
Whats popular right now around is EXILE, AKB48, HEY! Say Jump, local bands and KPOP!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Some pics, new video, and bad news

So just finished my second week! Friday was loads of fun and the sun is finally out and burning my skin lol I just went to a school festival today and omg it was amazing! i ahve pictures that ill upload later! Im going to a sumo thing tmr in akita city. I think im going to join the tennis club, i heard there hella hardcore...im scared because that came from a japanese student/s and they are all very hardworking sooo...idk

New video:s up on my youtube account
I will post here i suppose

Tokyo vlog

Sorry i didnt know i wasnt in the screen ahah

Bad news- Mr. Ustach gave me a f#cking F! WTH?!?!?!?!? What a bitch move! Im retaking that class cause that just makes me angry! I worked hella hard on that essay and he gives me a B?! Kcuf him!
Other bad news
My parents bought a house in washington. I was just told today WTF?! Ughhh but maybe ill still live in my `house`
VLog bad news and room tour video


Hazuki my host sis 16

Kana my lil host sis 10

PhotobucketSomething i wanna try looks oishi!

PhotobucketHost family! Mama, Papa, sister and younger brother Shu (12)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sports fastival

For those of you who have seen a japanese high school drama or show like nobuta wo produce youll know that theyll have classroom festivals where you decorate the classroom and do a dance or whatever. Our theme is disney lol soooo gay not ganna lie haha but thats okay but our so kina gay haha its this band that irritates me but i guess the songs okay. But the band deffinataly kills me inside. Why japanese kids like it IDK. Hazuki doesnt like it like me. good things someone agrees with me.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Since the students in high school have finals we get out students in high school have finals we get out early. Sooooo yesterday (today is saturday) i went to Mc Sooooo yesterday (today is saturday) i went to Mc Donalds which is pernounce macuro narudo in japanese lol then to mister doughnut then to take purikura (photobooth pics).Pictures here;
Mc donalds!

Mister doughnut! I had green tea flavor!

I treated them to ice cream (host sis Hazuki and her friend Kanako =) )

Okay so heres my uniform keep in mind its my uniform, the uniforms in japan cost a fortune so i just baught a white polo but the real thing is similar, skirt is legit (host sis) high socks and black shoes.


View outside my school
FACT I go to school in a rural area not like tokyo
FACT Japanese boys are shy
FALSE japanese boys are horny perverts all the time (not that i see)
FACT Japanese girls have cute eyes like Sherry
Fact Japanese people dont have the best teeth
FACT My family right now is watching FIFA and someone just scored and their yelling haha (favorite on the team HONDA)

FACT just spent my first week here 5 more to go!