Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Odate Gakko (school) (fixed errors)

Well...Where should i start? They put me in a sophomore class which is fine cause their all awesome and soooooo cute. I teach middle schoolskids english or atleast help read lol and I go to regular class with students that are sophomores. I wear a uniform..yes. There okay lol. On the firs day everyclass and everwhere i went i got `KAWAIIIIIIIIII!!!` Honestly i felt like a celebrity. I think its not cause i am cute its cause their amazed that there is a gaijin (forigner) in their school.
My first day i got about a million praises but i was pretty quiet and thought i couldnt make friends.
Second day was less praises but i got to make friends and everything. I had fun talking to everyone and talking during class and being a rebel lol.
3rd day
I had to teach junior high kids english cause exams for high schoolers demo(but) the 8th graders were cute. One guy asks `can you cook` i replied yes i love to he goes can you cook for me? haha so funny and then later he asks Why am i so cute, what a cute little boy. This other boy who goes `do you like me` , what a cute little boy. This other boy who goes `do you like me` LOL their sooo sweet its amazing
People thought i was half american half chinese but i dont think i look like it? i think they assumed cause im from america lol. So i met Yamapi and JaeJoon (not really、in case you didn`t know their famous asian people) They asked what famous japanese guy i liked hahaha i said Yamapi was my favorite and he`s ikemen (cute guy) and he goes `Oh Im Yamapi!` I laughed sooo hard, now i call him Yamapi his real names Genta-kun? Same thing about I said i like jaejoong and this kid goes oh Im Jaejoong haha. I found a japanese girl who loves korean bands like me haha YEAH!!!
People are so nice here everyone is so cute and funny. I LOVE IT =)
Theres one guy that looks like he`s in a rock band. But he`s in 2C which means he doesnt want to go to college because A and B classes want to go to college any others like C D to go to college any others like C D & E don:t and he`s my age (junior). I`m in 1B with lovely sophomores xD There taking exams right now so i have to teach english with an australian exchange student named Jamie, he thinks hes helllla tight haha anywho bye now.
Im on host fam comp so no pics Gomenei
Japanese is improving but still terrible!


  1. omg so much japanese i feel like i'm hearing you talk it at me.
    Ah this is so exciting! I love that you're there, post more picccs :D
    Haha i love the like excitement that youre all foreign hehe!
    Cant remember, did you say you had host siblings? What's your uniform like?

  2. I have 3 siblings
    Kazuki (16) shes going to america in august xD
    Shu (12)
    Kana (10)There so cute and sweet
    Oh i fixed my errors or i tried too haha
